Thoughts of John

What is on my mind.

Bible Study on Romans: Life In The Spirit, Pt 3: Romans 8:14-17

Summary: Paul makes the case for disciplines holiness in the lives of all Believers early in the chapter. The powerful motivations for our obligation would be our transformed position in Christ, the mind set on the Spirit, and our new life in Christ for today and eternity. Another motivation is sonship to Christ. We are children of the Almighty, and He is most worthy of our reverence and personal intimacy.

1. A. What is the key word in Rom. 8:12?

B. If we have “no condemnation” in Rom. 8:1, why do we also have the “obligation” in 8:12? Obligation for what? (Rom. 8:2-4, 8:13; Gal. 3:2-3)

C. Do you fill your mind with the Word of Christ, so that you walk in the Spirit? (Eph. 5:18-21, Col. 3:16-22, Gal. 5:16, Rom. 13:14)

2. A. How are children of God characterized according to Rom. 8:14?

B. What is the significance of the idea of being led vs. being pushed, pulled, dragged or carried? What must a person being led be willing to do, in order for leading to work?

C. How is your vision? Do you see the spiritual world in your daily life? Are you “led by the Spirit of God” in all your activities? How about at work? Or at home? In your hobbies or on vacation?

3. A. How is God Himself characterized according to Rom. 8:15?

B. Why is this so amazing, that God would allow Himself to be addressed as “Abba, Father,” or Daddy? (Gen. 1:1; I Chron. 29:11-13, Ps. 145:3-7, 2 Sam. 7:22; Rev. 1:7-8, 1:13-18, 4:5-8, 5:11-14)

C. Do you enjoy personal intimacy with the Most High? Is He the delight of your heart? (Ps. 16:11, 37:3-6; Matt. 11:28-30; John 14:21, 15:7-11

4. A. What hinders our closeness to God according to Ps. 66:18?

B. If we are going to put God first and pursue Him (Matt.6:33), how should we relate to the things in this world? (I John. 2:15-16; Luke 9:23)

C. Are you relentless to spend time with God, or do you get distracted? (Luke 10:38-42.) Do you put time in your schedule for the Almighty? (Ezra 7:10) Do you have someone else to help keep you accountable?

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May 15, 2010 - Posted by | Bible, Bible Study, Biblical Interpretation, Book of Romans, Christian, Christianity, God, Jesus, New Testament, Religon, Romans, Theology | , , , , , , , , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. 1.B. We stand uncondemned “in Christ” (Rom 8:1) because only those who live like Jesus are “in Christ” (1 John 2). Hence Romans 8:4-14. Faith IS Obedience!
    3.C – 4.C. Worship and God-Service is best done 24 hours a day, not in reserved time-slots. Let everything you do be to Him.

    Comment by Marc | May 17, 2010 | Reply

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